Too much time in front of the television has long been linked to childhood obesity. Now, new research suggests it’s not the TV but the commercials that are making kids fat.You probably didn't want to read all I'll summarize:
In a study of more than 2,000 children, researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, compared the time the kids spent viewing television and video. They asked caregivers to track children’s media use during one weekday and one weekend day during 1997, then again in 2002.
The findings showed that the amount of television a child watched wasn’t a predictor of obesity risk. Instead, risk for being overweight increased the more television commercials a child was exposed to. There was no association with television viewing and obesity for those who watched videos or commercial-free programming.
Kids who don't see commercials as often are usually thinner. The University of California attributes this to children being more educated as they watched educational videos or public television.
HERE'S WHAT THEIR SUMMARY SHOULD HAVE CONCLUDED: When the commercial comes on interupting the intending viewing...that's the time to make a break to the fridge. Without commercials...the option for refueling is just not there...unless the show sucks.