Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What about the dipsh*t in the White House, guys?

Not all remembrances on Memorial Day were about the brave ones who went to war and didn’t come home. Memories were stirring as well among those who, typically without the benefit of ever having been in uniform themselves, sent the brave ones off to war.

We are in a season rich with recollections being offered by key figures in the George W. Bush presidency. They have been busy writing their memoirs, or at least shopping them around — people like Dick Cheney, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Karl Rove and, lest we forget, Mr. Bush himself.

This is to be expected. Once they have let slip the reins of power, senior people in every administration race to their desktops to pound out their side of the story and (no small consideration) to cash in on it. Big time, as Mr. Cheney might say. Former President Bill Clinton remains the gold standard, having received a $15 million advance for a thick memoir judged by some reviewers as notable less for its literary elegance than for its utility as a doorstop.
Recent polls have shown that those wearing the uniform don't have a very high opinion of that guy in the White House. So, the New York Times is doing their part to try and sway a bit more support in that regard. The process is a tired "hit piece" on the Bush administration efforting to alienate soldiers by giving the impression that Bush and Co. didn't care. Cashing in...you get the idea.

The problem is that the New York Times failed to name the most egregious offender of this trumped up accusation. They failed to mention the man in the White House currently...who has more window dressing visages at Amazon.com than all the others combined.