Friday, November 7, 2008

I remember when he was kind of funny...

Powerline has the latest on the US Senate race between Norm Coleman and Al Franken. It seems that someone was using that Aztec calendar again. You know...the one where they're two days behind the rest of us. Things are looking curious...even deceitful on the surface. Expect the usual "count all the votes," "disenfranchised," and the ubiquitous "rant from Garrison Keillor" (which is about as exciting as his flannel shirt collection).

"UPDATE: Hot off the press, the first apparent evidence of fraud. Last night at around 7:30, a precinct in Mountain Iron, St. Louis County, mysteriously updated its vote total to add 100 new votes--all 100 for Barack Obama and Al Franken.

Mountain Iron uses optical scanning, so the Coleman campaign asked for a copy of the tape documenting the ballots cast on election night. St. Louis County responded by providing a tape that includes the newly-added 100 votes, and is dated November 2--the Sunday before the election. St. Louis County reportedly denies being able to produce the genuine tape from election night, even though Minnesota law, as I understand it, requires that tape to be signed by the election judges and publicly displayed."