Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wrong Ideology...correct approach...

Martine Aubry, who had challenged Sarkozy in the French Presidential election last year has just (narrowly) won the leadership slot in the Socialist Party. She didn't waste everyone's time by planting a false look of concern in order to tell all those looking on that she would make a special effort to reach across the aisle in the spirit of cooperation. Instead, she bared her teeth.

"Aubry has called for the Socialist Party to be "anchored on the left," dismissing Royal's idea of a possible alliance with the centrist Democratic Movement. Vowing to present Sarkozy with a revived political opposition, Aubry wants to create a shadow cabinet of politicians who would systematically challenge their counterparts in the Sarkozy government."

I hate to admit it, but I respect this French Socialist more than John McCain when it comes to politics. I respect her more than most representing the Republican party these days. You don't compromise ideology or values. Anything less is dishonesty, pandering, and insulting to the constituent. Your philosophy and ideology may suck...but it's yours.