Friday, November 21, 2008

Muslim Terrorists, Enablers, and Apologists

The Muslim News:
Muslims like other communities want equal and fair treatment rather than treatment which is discriminatory or highly prejudicial. A recent arrest of fire bombers of a publisher under terror laws is another case in point. They were held under anti terror laws for almost a week and then charged under normal armed offences, which they could have used at the time of arrest. But because they were Muslims, anti terror laws were misused to collect information. What was also disturbing about this incidence was that the police allowed the perpetrators to carry out the bombing (they were under police surveillance). Luckily no one was injured. The police told The Muslim News the reason they were allowed to carry out the bombing was that they could be caught “red-handed”.
UNFAIR!!! UNFAIR!!! They allowed them to carry out the bombing because they could, then, be caught "red-handed."

I don't buy that. But, it's plausible...because anything short of surveillance monitored proof of the crime would have resulted in these same mouth-breathing cretins at the Muslim News claiming that the three morons holding the bottle of petrol were looking for their lost moped.

Not a word from the Muslim News as to why the Gibson Square publishing company was fire bombed.

Apparently, towards the end of September, there were a bunch of gelatinous-brained Muslims who didn’t like the fact that Gibson Square published a fiction novel (Jewel of Medina) by US author and journalist, Sherry Jones that gives a fictionalized account of the Prophet Muhammad’s relationship with a child bride named Aisha. In their minds, that was sufficient cause to burn down the publishing house, which doubled as a residence.

Three Muslims were arrested for the act.

Random House had, actually, been scheduled to publish the book, but cancelled under public outrage by the same caliber of sphincters who firebombed Gibson, and write for Muslim News. Ironically, the whole ‘up in arms’ attitude against the book was likely propagated by the possible hysterics of Denise Spellberg, a professor of Middle Eastern studies at the University of Texas. She seems to be a real piece of excrement in her own right.

It was a freakin' book of fiction for Pete's sake. GET A GRIP YOU OVER-SENSITIVE, THIN SKINNED, WHINING TROGLODYTES!!!! And, yes, Muhammad was indeed a pedophile by the standards of a civilized world. So says the quran (lower case q on purpose).

The silver lining in it all, of course, is the owner of Gibson Publishing, Martin Rynja. The man believes in free speech and has chosen not to be deterred by ‘book burning’ half-wit assholes like those launching fire bombs, ignorance of those Muslims filling their compatriots with over-propagandized tripe like the Muslim News, or self-proclaimed pseudo-scholars without the least bit of common sense or decency like Denise Spellman. He’s going full speed ahead.

Gibson Publishing has previously published Londonistan by Melanie Phillips and Blowing Up Russia by the late Alexander Litvinenko. You'll find the link to Melanie Phillips' fine blog in the 'Worm List' on the left side of the page.