Thursday, November 6, 2008


I do not think that word means what you think it means.

"Bush has openly mocked law and proclaimed a certain pleasure in sadism and exulted in holding prisoners and mistreating and torturing them, really," Shawn rants. "Of course this affects one emo tionally: my emotional life has been very strongly affected by the fact that Bush was president and my writing life is affected by my emotional life."

And here I thought that Wally was such a piss poor playwright because he was always picked last for kickball when he was little…uh…’little-er.’ Try and catch "Aunt Dan & Lemon" sometime should it ever see the light of day again. The references to Henry Kissinger as a genocidal killer are a lower intestine kind of way.

Bonus: Here's a photo of little Wally sitting on the counter at age 3.

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