Sunday, December 14, 2008

"High-energy mayor leaves a high bar"

Republican Pat McCrory has not only served longer than any Charlotte mayor, but virtually transformed the post into a full-time job – a standard that may be hard for his successor to meet.

“He has raised expectations,” says Ted Arrington, a UNC Charlotte political scientist who adds that any successor “will be under pressure to do more and spend more time on the job than (earlier mayors).”
Good for him. Personally, I can't see the position of Mayor as a part-time job, especially in a town the size of Charlotte (about 1.7 Million). I wish him luck in his pursuit of the Governor's mansion.

Let's see what the Democrats think:

“My own gut feeling is that there is an expectation in the community which is twice as big as when we were there,” says Democrat Harvey Gantt, mayor from 1983-87.
*SNORT* I'll go along with that...but I think we might differ on the meaning.