Monday, December 1, 2008

Proud and

From the Globe's, Ted Kennedy, the champion by James Carroll:
Not even that fully defines this man's importance to his country. Kennedy's successes in Congress have grounded him, but he has also steadily pointed to a particular hope and a special dream. Heir to a golden legacy, he has proven worthy. But more, he has now established a legacy to which every American is heir, and of which, before the world, every American can be proud. But first, every American is grateful.
And now, the five second rebuttal:

"Every shining example provided by this writer to show Big Head Ted in an immortal light was detrimental to America (with the exception of the desegregation of Boston Public Schools...which Democrats in Boston fought tooth and nail). Manure strewn to and fro on a cornfield does America a greater service (and offends a tad bit less). Every American is not grateful...far from it. A significant number of us wonder if there isn't an overabundance of lead in the Massachusetts drinking water."