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Monday, March 2, 2009
How's that Global Warming Protest coming?
Looking kind of white (in a non-racist way) down there in the District of
Let's hope
James Hansen wears his boots
for the snow...and everyone else wears boots in the event that Hansen feels a need to speak.
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Thought For A Sunshiny Morning
"It costs me never a stab nor squirm;
To tread by chance upon a
Aha, my little dear. I say;
Your clan will pay me back one day."
---Dorothy Parker
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The perpetually offended...
Guess who owns the mouth...
A sweet little fairytale...German style
What does she do on a normal day?
It just keeps getting better (Harold Koh nomination)
Daft or Destructive?
Dumber than a box of rocks...
Palestinian youth orchestra disbanded after playin...
"Mirth Hour" Any questions?
I reckon you're an OUTLAW, son...
Turn off your match your mental acuity
This will work...I'm sure of it...
I admire the optimism…but grimace at the naïveté
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva gets a cookie...
Earth Hour Contrarianism..."Mirth Hour" on a shoe ...
Universal National Healthcare now exists...
Increase your word power...again
Al's Opus in the works...
Is there a word for "super duper hypocrisy?"
Define "charity"...
Bring a Bigger Hammer...(OUTLAW)
For every action there is an equal and opposite...
Gluttony is bad for you...who knew?
It's the return of the beer bottle bingo boy...
Curt Schilling hanging them up...
Celebrating Earth Hour as a Family
Mallard Fillmore...(from the mind of Bruce Tinsley)
You bastards are going to kill me...
Tufts of crap...
Informed speculation...
A movie to marginalize your fan base...provided yo...
WTC now going for a piece of the pie(s)...
Obama would be cooler if he didn't have the USA ho...
Pope Benedict XVI needs to get out more...
Increase your word power !!!
What would Charlie do???
I want a refund...
Random reasoning...AGW
A whole slew of monkeys with loaded pistols...
I'm on it...
A little tired of the RNC inanity...Go on the offe...
Call me curious...
I'm just sayin'...
Enjoy the tree bark sandwiches...
Giving a cretin a time-out...
Make Durban II an online petition...
I think they sniff the climate model glue...
More inherently stupid people...
Irresponsible Jackasses...
Nice Pussy!!!!
Media Water Carrier Alert...
It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets th...
'Equality' means what?
Christopher Hitchens: "The Revenge of Karl Marx"
Hawaii a Microcosm...
The Transcontinental Table...
Turkey basters are the Devil's work...
The Cult of Islam on display...
Out of his league...or...
Global Dimming...
How to properly 'brick' a vampire...
This isn't going to end well...
Nice ears!!!
NEA needs a tutor...
Half-wit Chronicles of Super Joe Biden...
Will he receive the same scrutiny?
Not a big fan of this "OUTLAW" thing...or maybe I am?
"There is nobody there..."
"I'm confident the standards to which we hold ours...
Farm animal alert!!!!
I don't get the Communism thing...
Obama: Daft? Indifferent? or Dangerous?
A more restrained manner?
USA Today is a bunch of pansies...
Still so ronery...
Al Gore is made of Peridotite II
This is a paragraph of disturbing truth (Mark Steyn)
As an I get a free tote bag?
David Frum "feels" like a Conservative...
Thanks for volunteering...
We are insane...
Who's a betting man?
Frank's preemptive strike...
Are they doing this on purpose?
Associated Press carrying the water...
Cool Cats...
Drumming up the misrepresents
Oh...that's much better...
I smell a the habitat of the White House
French soap opera...Fantastique!!
Not getting the picture...
I'm guessing not...
Wizard of Oz sort of stuff...shut the damn curtain...
Just a theory...
Throw a dart, and you're bound to hit an idiot...
How's that Global Warming Protest coming?
Insane in the membrane...
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About Me
Gormless Worm
Prefers 'Common Sense' to common party politics. I'm not a big fan of over-generalization in any ilk. I am NOT politically correct. I have a degree in Journalism, but opted for a real job.
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