Saturday, January 17, 2009

From the overly freaky wing of the Democratic PARTY...

Billed as a bacchanalian strip-show-cum-sideshow by way of a speakeasy, recurring East Village party The Sunday Show is planning its January Inauguration Edition tomorrow.

Host Babraham Lincoln will hold court at "the only NC-17-rated inauguration celebration in America." Organizer Kristine "Kiki" Rakowsky says, "Just as in the great depressions in the past, I'm providing entertainment-aided escapism from the current economic fallout."

Such attractions are said to include go-go dancing by the "sexretary of state," a "constitutional cabaret show" and "exit poll" dancing with fire eating, fire hula-hooping and fire juggling thrown in for good measure.
I don't mind saying that (almost) without exception...there are a number of groups that will vote for that other guy and not the candidate for whom I would vote. It's a nice barometer to determine if I am a misguided, self-indulging, overly liberal freak...or just a regular guy.