Friday, January 23, 2009

Rise of the Long Knives...

An angry sushi chef was accused of treating another motorist like a California roll, slicing him up on a Staten Island highway Wednesday morning, in a road rage incident caught on an NYPD highway patrol camera.

Both drivers pleaded not guilty to first-degree assault charges in Richmond County Criminal Court Thursday, where bail was set at $20,000 for the chef, Yao Zhou, 35, and a judge released Jack Zaiback, 23, with no bail. Both drivers are from Brooklyn.

This seems to be a growing trend...which will no doubt lead to knife control legislation here in NYC...with a two month waiting period on Ana-kyu-maki.

Ah...but there is a trend:

Seven waiters at a Japanese restaurant in Paris were under arrest today after an armed robber was stabbed to death with a sushi knife after trying to steal their tips.
The 22-year-old was brandishing a pistol when he raided Planet Sushi, in the upmarket 5th arrondissement, last night.

An accomplice, also 22, was with him, holding an electric stun gun.
They're out of the "Sushi Police!!!" them...

So beware, America, home of the California roll. The Sushi Police are on their way.

A trial run of sorts was launched this summer in France, where secret inspectors selected by a panel of food specialists were dispatched to 80 restaurants in Paris that claimed to serve Japanese cuisine. Some establishments invited the scrutiny, while others were targeted with surprise checks. About one-third fell short of standards -- making them ineligible to display an official seal emblazoned with cherry blossoms in their windows or to be listed on a government-sponsored Web site of Japanese restaurants in Paris.