Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rhetoric...pure, poor, and simple...

WASHINGTON: The administration of President Barack Obama plans to move quickly to tighten the country's financial regulatory system.

Officials say they will make wide-ranging changes, including stricter rules for hedge funds, credit rating agencies and mortgage brokers, and greater oversight of the complex financial instruments that contributed to the economic crisis.
For example...let's keep politically ambitious community organizers from applying pressure on the banking industry to hand out sub-prime loans to those who have no business receiving them. While we're at it, let's avoid rewarding those individuals primarily responsible for such idiocy with powerful insider Washington positions in the current presidential administration. You know...just for starters...

Wait...what? You're telling me Obama filed lawsuits on behalf of psuedo "non-partisan" organizations to force feed the sub-prime loans to the banking world? You're telling me he has surrounded himself with cabinet members from the very administration that required this behaviour? Oh...nevermind.